
Mark Curnutte offers the latest on the Cincinnati Bengals

Mark Curnutte started covering the Bengals and the NFL for The Enquirer in 2000. He previously wrote about urban affairs and other social issues for the Enquirer. He won the prestigious 1994 Unity Award from Lincoln University (Missouri) for "A Polite Silence," a seven-day series about race relations in Greater Cincinnati. He also has worked as an assistant features editor and features writer at The News & Observer in Raleigh, N.C. Curnutte is second vice president and a three-year board member of the Professional Football Writers of America (PFWA). He is a 1984 Miami University graduate.

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Saturday, March 01, 2008

NFL: Rogers trade not our business

This word this morning from the NFL on the Shaun Rogers trade from the Lions to Bengals that didn't happen.

"Clubs discuss trades all the times that are not completed," Greg Aiello, NFL Senior Vice President of Public Relations, said. "This is a club matter and we are not in a position to comment."

Jack Brennan, the Bengals' PR director, was asked again this morning for an explanation. He said he would check with team executives.


at 3/01/2008 11:07 AM Blogger paigers said...

Jonathan Fanene is a good signing.

at 3/01/2008 11:08 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look all this about the NFL saying blocking the trade is a joke. The Bengals as usual couldn't close the deal. They dropped the ball like they always do. They are Mikey's Bungles. Spend your money elsewhere and you will feel better.

at 3/01/2008 11:31 AM Blogger paigers said...

It looks as if the Bengals may be signing Kenderick Allen

at 3/01/2008 11:37 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

How enbaressing! The first aquisition we try fails and then ends up with a division rival. Can you say GM? Release Smith, the onle D-lineman that can tackle, sign Fanene, a guy that rarely plays, and when he does is as much a spectator as the fans. I dont comprehend this. Every year Is more disappointing than the last. This Organization is exasperating.

at 3/01/2008 11:42 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

This makes me ill. It would not be so bad, but the BROWNS got him. I hope we see some better news next week.

at 3/01/2008 11:51 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe it, or should I say I can believe it. The Bengals had a chance to make a real impact filling a very obvious need for a bad defense, but for some reason (the mighty dollar) the Brown Family couldn't pull it off. I shouldn't be suprize, every since Mike Brown hase taken over operations, all he cares about is himself, not the fans who put the money in his pocket.

at 3/01/2008 12:01 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you really think guys like rogers or odom really want to come here? I would take less pay else where. This team doesn't have their stuff together. Everyone in the league knows it. We are a laughing stock.

at 3/01/2008 12:03 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a joke the team tries to blame the leaugue. None of the other teams in the NFL had a hard time making trades yesterday. Especially Cleveland!

at 3/01/2008 12:04 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was excited with the trade for Rogers, thinking that Mike Brown is finally tired of losing and will make some things happen with this free agent market. But, I woke up and realized I was just dreaming.

at 3/01/2008 12:08 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'mon Mark, do some digging and get us an answer here! What really happened? You're the journalist!

at 3/01/2008 12:48 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

what happened is that this is a staff that has never traded FOR a player, just draft picks. They probably screwed up the paperwork or the contract because they are ill suited for their jobs. If there is anything that puts this organization in a micro-chasm it is this buffoonery. Any 10 year old with madden could run a better organization.

at 3/01/2008 3:16 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not that I'm defending this slipshod organization, but they HAVE traded for players, i.e. Deltha O'Neal.

at 3/01/2008 4:00 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

You dont need Mark..I will tell you all what happened...Follow the Roster Bonus dued to him at 12:01 am,the Bengals would NOT give him the 1 millon and held out till the Lions started making more calls cas Mike Brown wasnt gonna pay it,so that held it up long enough for the Browns to make the Deal,think about it,How would the Browns ever know there wasnt a deal if the Lions didnt call them 1st??

Richard Nixon From Bengalgate

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