
Mark Curnutte offers the latest on the Cincinnati Bengals

Mark Curnutte started covering the Bengals and the NFL for The Enquirer in 2000. He previously wrote about urban affairs and other social issues for the Enquirer. He won the prestigious 1994 Unity Award from Lincoln University (Missouri) for "A Polite Silence," a seven-day series about race relations in Greater Cincinnati. He also has worked as an assistant features editor and features writer at The News & Observer in Raleigh, N.C. Curnutte is second vice president and a three-year board member of the Professional Football Writers of America (PFWA). He is a 1984 Miami University graduate.

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Friday, May 02, 2008

Alexander visit Sunday and Monday

Running back Shaun Alexander, released April 22 by the Seahawks, will visit the Bengals on Sunday and Monday, agent Jim Steiner confirmed to The Enquirer.

Alexander grew up in Florence and played at Boone County High School before going on to the University of Alabama. He is an eight-year NFL veteran and 2005 league MVP.


at 5/02/2008 6:46 AM Blogger Unknown said...

Visit yes... To be signed? doubtful...

at 5/02/2008 6:51 AM Blogger Carson said...

I think it would be great to have Shaun Alexander on the team as long as they can get him for the right price.

at 5/02/2008 8:03 AM Blogger Ratlifj said...

Alexander is considering adding the "Bengals Running Backs Curse" to the "Madden Curse". He'll need a Witch Doctor, not an Orthopedic Surgeon. just kiddin

at 5/02/2008 8:16 AM Blogger Hudepohl Dey said...

dear bengals, please get alexander on this roster...... can you imagine TJ and Jerome Simpson, Utecht and Kelly, with freaking Shaun Alexander in the backfield??? that would be a SMASHMOUTH offense

at 5/02/2008 8:26 AM Blogger WIZARD said...

Alexander would improve this ball club. Most EXPERTS say he is a 1st and 2nd down back because he doesn't catch well or pass protect well. Behind our line he could be awesome.

at 5/02/2008 9:39 AM Blogger ryank said...

If the Bengals like Shaun Alexander after or during this visit, They are going to sign him!They will more than likely release Rudi. You have to remember since his stellar year in 05 Shaun has had a foot fracture in 06 and a broken hand in 07, these injuries only put him out a couple games both seasons, he still played. If a guy on the Bengals pulls a hamstring he would be out the entire year. Hes 31 but feels like he can contribute to an nfl team, and the Bengals can use a back with 1500 yard potential. Also he is still a guy that the defenses have to account for, Sign him.

at 5/02/2008 9:55 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring Shaun home! Shaun has never been a back that has taken hard hits, and he has a lot left in him. His injuries over the past few years have been more frustrating than devastating. The man knows how to score touchdowns - AND, there could be no better influence in the locker room than him.

at 5/02/2008 11:42 AM Blogger Leisure Suit Larry said...

If he wasn't a local kids, just someone else, would you be clamoring for the Bengals to sign someone with his injury history? Doubtful and you'd probably be upset they're wasting time bringing him in.

at 5/02/2008 10:35 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

that would be great if they got alexander. the bengals need to release rudy and chris perry because rudy is good anymore and chris perry has been injured for a while. the bengals like the 3 tailbacks. so they should keep dd dorsey kenny watson and sign shaun.

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