Mark Curnutte started covering the Bengals and the NFL for The Enquirer in 2000. He previously wrote about urban affairs and other social issues for the Enquirer. He won the prestigious 1994 Unity Award from Lincoln University (Missouri) for "A Polite Silence," a seven-day series about race relations in Greater Cincinnati. He also has worked as an assistant features editor and features writer at The News & Observer in Raleigh, N.C. Curnutte is second vice president and a three-year board member of the Professional Football Writers of America (PFWA). He is a 1984 Miami University graduate.

Somebody call a wahmbulance for Drew. Boohoo Drew.
Rosenhaus would sell his grandma for a buck - it's unfortunate but predictable that chad was going down this path with boohoo drew as his agent, ala TO.
Next agent. Next agent. Next agent.
Manningham in second round!
Sounds like somebody is getting desperate. Now that slime, Rosenhaus, has to go through the media to try to get our beloved Bengals to trade CJ. That's great!! I love it!
I like the wording at the bottom: Johnson: "I want to be traded before the draft". Tough!! It doesn't matter what he wants. He's not holding the cards he thought he had.
I like Roenhaus' quotes: "Please trade Chad?", "Why not take that king's ransome and run with it?", "...why not take the 2 first round picks and run?"....seems like a smart move for the organization". Desperate, Drew?!?!?
Mark, if I understood you earlier, the Bengals would have to cut players because of the salary cap hit they'd take if they trade the "baby", right? I also believe the hit could be spread over two years if he's traded or cut after June 1.
If we know this, why doesn't Rosenhaus know this? The organization is making "the smart move" right now,,,,,nothing.
How does retirement feel, Ocho? How does that "H.O.F. 20?? jacket fit now? Maybe you'll go to another team after June 1. Maybe not. If you do, I hope it's with the worst team with the worst QB. One more thing, Johnson. Regarding your agent, who works for who? It seems you turned into a jerk when you hired a jerk!!!! Personally, I hope you just go away into your little retirement!!
Mike and Marvin? Kudos to you for holding your ground!!!
Manningham? Are you kidding? The kid's a dope smoking liar!!
The Bengals need defensive players! I agree they should get a WR, but on the 2nd day, 3rd round.
This is ridiculous. I didn't know that agents could make personnel decisions for a team. When is the NFLPA going to limit the power the agents have over team structure and roster moves? This isn't the type of union Hoffa dreamed about.
Why not give the Bengals back some of that signing bonus? Rosenhaus is a complete tool who's not going to get any money from his client this year. He and his clients deserve each other.
Chad certainly didn't seem disgruntled BEFORE Drew was his agent. Drew wants Chad traded so he can get a nice payday when the new contract with the new team is done. It's all about the money. I also think that the harder Drew and Chad push the issue, the more determined Mike Btown will be to hold his ground. Mike's big on loyalty and will reward loyalty. Chad's disloyalty probably won't be rewarded.
Lol @ Drew. What a cry baby. Two peas in a pod... HAHAHA. This is beginning to finally be entertaining.
I think they should trade him, and not allow anyone to hire this jack*** as their agent while on the Bengals' roster.
In order to trade him though, the Bengals certainly need to get a 1st rounder and a good Def. player.
How about 1st pick from Washington along with London Fletcher?
Quick draft note: Steve Slaton 3rd round!
This guy is awesome.
Let's just be clear that this wasn't two first round picks that Washington offered. It was one first rounder this year and a third next year that could've moved up depending on certain statistical benchmarks. Do you really think the Redskins, who will most likely struggle this year, would let Chad accumulated meaningless stats at the cost of a high draft pick.
Additionally, this year's number one [I think it's 21?] wouldn't necessarily help things considering the cap hit the Bengals would take from losing Chad. $8million plus having to sign two number one's this year would seriously hamper the Bengals ability to sign the rest of the draft class.
If Chad is angry, he should blame Drew right now. If it was merely about moving him, the Bengals would've done it by now. There's more at stake here.
If anything, I'm ticked that this whole incident is making Mike Brown look good in the city. The reality is, this club still hasn't done much in the offseason to make them better.
Hey 8:03 Manningham in second round!? We know what Manningham has been smoking what have you been smoking? Just what this team needs from the draft, more problems.
Even more reason to keep him and force him to sit out if he causes further problems and/or tanks it out on the field.
It's about time somebody stands up to the cry baby millionaires of the sports world that none of us, their fans, can ever relate to.
I wish, in fact I pray, that I can one day have a job paying me obscene amounts of money to play a child's game.
Now let's jus hope that the Bengals don't sit pat at #9 hoping Ellis falls to them...It's obvious that's what they need and he won't be there at #9.
Please, please, please trade up with KC and put yourselves in the position to draft the player you need.
If Dallas is willing to give us both of there first rounders this year or Washington will guarantee the 2009 pick will be a 1st rounder I say do the deal. Not to make Chad or Rosenhaus happy, but to keep the next step in the Drew Rosenhaus "How to force a trade" from occuring. The next step in the TO timeline is to show up to camp, get in a fight with the coach and then get suspended by the team. We have enough headaches as it is being Bengals fans. Get what you can get for the D-bag and get him out of the Queen City!!!
PLEASE trade Chad. The fans don't want him around the team with his me me me attitude. It is time for Ocho Stinko to go. "If" we can get a high first or a nmid to late first and second or first and third in this year's draft, then the club is STUPID not to do it and are showing a great deal of contempt for their fans. I do not want to see a season derailed by a toxic locker room. Ocho Stinko must go!! We don't want him or need him. Even if we get nothing, it's addition by subtraction as long as he goes!!
How about trading Chad to Miami? We give them Chad and Drew and our 1st round pick for Jason Taylor, a pair of dancing shoes and a mid round pick. :-)
I love the fact that folks seem to really believe that the Skins offer was for 2 1st round picks. The 2009 pick only becomes a first if Chad catches 97 balls next year (Which he has only done once). Not too hard to imagine Chad sitting out a play or two in garbage time of the last few games of the season to make sure it stays a #3 pick next year.
Are any of you posting here fans?
Do any of you want things to change?
Does anyone care about having a winning team?
I think the answer to all is NO!
I don't like Rosenhaus...but he is good at what he does!
I don't like the attitude and selfishness of Ocho...but he is a good player!
I don't like the fact that in many ways he can do some things to this team...but its the truth.
If you are a Bengals fan and want them to win and compete, there is no way you are happy they are not trading Chad!
Is the point here, really, to just show them whos boss and stand up to the player and finally show who is in charge... if so, you all win and we are still a 7-9 team.
Trade him! get his locker room "cancer" out, and all the distractions, and B.S!
Take a 1st rounder and 2nd rounder this year or a 1st next year (it is being offered by multiple teams) and draft a replacement in the second and/or fourth and stengthen your defense.
We can build and win without Chad!
We haven't won with him!
my ideal draft this weekend:
Dre Moore
CB/Punt returner
re: Manningham drug issue
those in the know realize this is a non-issue for him. he catches well in crowds and has good vertical speed - combo chad / henry in one.
I don't smoke. Drink, yes. Smoke no.
Mark,I'm not a big Chad fan but why has M.L.gotten another free pass with this mess ??Our team implodes last yr. & noone holds Lewis accountable...imagine Jim T. giggling after losses !!Where is the RAGE ?????
Dude, I'm the resident mentalmidget around here!! Manningham? You are making me look like a wonderkind!! There is no way our beloved Bengals takes that punk!! I don't care what he can do!! Can you say Chris Henry? That's too much baggage for our Bengals to carry.
Jordy Nelson; that kid's a boy scout! 6'2" 217lbs. runs a 4.55 40. The publications say he's the type of kid you'd want your daughter to marry! He'd most likely go in the 3rd round.
Let's see, a dope smoking liar or a boy scout who can do just about the same on the field. Hhhmmm! Who would you chose?
1. Limas Sweed Texas 6.15
2. Devin Thomas Michigan State 6.12
3. Mario Manningham Michigan 5.85
4. James Hardy Indiana 5.85
5. Jordy Nelson Kansas State 5.80
Mario grades out better than Jordy, but if Jordy can make fire from two sticks, then draft him!
Makes sense to me.
I guess I'd rather have a player you can count on week to week. Someone who is prepared. Someone who will do the little things to be successful. Not someone I might be worried about. Wondering if he's home, where he should be or is he out hitting the blunt. If he doesn't respect himself then he WILL NOT respect the team.
We'll know in a few hours who they choose. It could be a day 2 person.
KC, St Louis and NO picks will be interesting to see - hope they don't rain on the Bengals parade.
Whether you like Drew or not, he's right. Naturally, he wants the 10% from Chad so sitting out is painful to his wallet. However, this is a no-brainer: you trade the guy ASAP!
A 1st & 3rd at worst with potentially another 1st! You must be kidding me. Let me put him on the plane to WA. Too good a deal to pass up but we're the Bungals so I'm sure Mikey will do the wrong thing.
The Bengals need to do this on their terms if they do it at all. Wait to trade until after June 1, when the cap hit will be much lower, and trade him to a team that has no chance to win. Let Chad cramp up for the Raiders or punch some Vikings coaches at halftime.
I want to make him squirm as much as anybody, but if we can get some draft picks next year or a player this year after June 1, then do it.
I'm like you. I have a feeling we don't get Ellis.
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