
Mark Curnutte offers the latest on the Cincinnati Bengals

Mark Curnutte started covering the Bengals and the NFL for The Enquirer in 2000. He previously wrote about urban affairs and other social issues for the Enquirer. He won the prestigious 1994 Unity Award from Lincoln University (Missouri) for "A Polite Silence," a seven-day series about race relations in Greater Cincinnati. He also has worked as an assistant features editor and features writer at The News & Observer in Raleigh, N.C. Curnutte is second vice president and a three-year board member of the Professional Football Writers of America (PFWA). He is a 1984 Miami University graduate.

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Thursday, April 03, 2008

Henry in trouble again

Pending the result of Chris Henry's court appearance this afternoon in Hamilton County, where he is charged with assault on an 18-year-old man, the Bengals are expected to have some comment on the case -- a departure from their policy.

The story is somewhat on hold now, until Henry appears in court.

Looking back a year ago this month, when Henry was suspended for eight games by the NFL for violation of its personal conduct policy, here were his conditions for re-instatement -- which was granted. Some of these points might apply -- repeat, might -- now that Henry is in legal trouble again.

Spelled out by the league, Henry had to:

-- Have no further adverse involvement with law enforcement.

-- Cooperate with all required counseling, education, and treatment assigned to him under league programs.

-- Meet weekly with Bengals’ player development director, Eric Ball.

-- Comply with all conditions imposed on him by any court, including requirements of community service. Failure to comply will result in additional discipline, including possible banishment from the league.

It was one year ago today, April 3, 2007, that Henry met in New York with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell.

In a letter to Henry, Goodell wrote: "Your conduct has brought embarrassment and ridicule upon yourself, your club, and the NFL. I must emphasize to you that this is your last opportunity to salvage your NFL career."

QUESTION: If you are the Bengals, what do you do about Henry now? Do you let the NFL handle it?


at 4/03/2008 10:21 AM Blogger Unknown said...

I'm hoping the league bans him. As a long-time Bengals fan, I know that Marvin and Mike don't have the stones to actually accept some accountability and get rid of the guy, so we need the league to clean up our mistakes for us.

I don't want Chris Henry on this team. I don't care if we lose games as a result. I live outside Cincinnati and I don't think the people that live there realize what a punchline our city has become because of this. You're all living in the bubble.

at 4/03/2008 10:29 AM Blogger Aggrazel said...

"It wasn't me, it was the one armed man!"

at 4/03/2008 10:29 AM Blogger Aggrazel said...

"It wasn't me, it was the one armed man!"

at 4/03/2008 10:33 AM Blogger ShadeWanks said...

Whoo-hoo ... go Bengals! Pack your suitcase, goof.

at 4/03/2008 10:36 AM Blogger Unknown said...

Cut him loose NOW!!!

at 4/03/2008 10:47 AM Blogger Frank Robinson's Ghost said...

The whole thing makes me feel sick. What a darn shame.

Let's try to learn the whole story, but if Henry was doing anything other than just defending himself, he's got to be gone.

The whole issue of how stupid he has to be to be out in the bar district that time of night given his situation is a separate issue -- which should be addressed if the team keeps him around.

at 4/03/2008 10:56 AM Blogger Unknown said...

First let's let everything play out to make sure it really did go down like the kid said it did. If it was Henry, and he did just assault this kid, then I hope he's banned for good. He's an embarrassment to the team, the fans, and the city.

Of course, if he is by same chance innocent, I will welcome him to the field with open arms, as long as he keeps his act together and stays out of trouble

at 4/03/2008 11:02 AM Blogger Michael said...

Well the Bengals have one good year and then they throw the team away. If this keeps up then Palmer is going to want to leave.Atleast you could get some bengal tickets on the cheap if that happens.

at 4/03/2008 11:24 AM Blogger Jack in St. Louis said...

I live in St. Louis, and on the way into work this morning, one of the local sports talk radio stations played a clip of CJ and then mentioned Henry being in trouble again. They ended with the comment "what's wrong with the Bengal organization". The Bengals are a joke nationwide. It's time to cut ties with Henry. In Johnson's case, they keep talking about the cap hit. But, won't they take that cap hit whether he's here or not...similar to the Reds taking the salary hit for Stanton?

at 4/03/2008 11:51 AM Blogger firefly118 said...

I just don't understand these kids! Millions of dollars, all you have to do is stay home, play Sega, eat burgers, and show up for football.

I WAS WRONG ON THIS ONE! I thought he could change, WRONG!

O.K so lets RETALK DRAFT! I think that WR now becomes more of a priority than RB, TE, LB than before. After the D and O line are addressed, I think you have to look at one of your 3rd round picks for a WR.

at 4/04/2008 1:17 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

seriously, how hard can it be to stay home and play video games?! i do and im not a professional athlete! at least when joseph got caught with marijuana, he also had an xbox in his backpack...which means he has half of it down. he wanted to play video games...but he also wanted to be baked. classic.

Everyone who is mad at the bengals needs to adopt another hometown team:


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