
Mark Curnutte offers the latest on the Cincinnati Bengals

Mark Curnutte started covering the Bengals and the NFL for The Enquirer in 2000. He previously wrote about urban affairs and other social issues for the Enquirer. He won the prestigious 1994 Unity Award from Lincoln University (Missouri) for "A Polite Silence," a seven-day series about race relations in Greater Cincinnati. He also has worked as an assistant features editor and features writer at The News & Observer in Raleigh, N.C. Curnutte is second vice president and a three-year board member of the Professional Football Writers of America (PFWA). He is a 1984 Miami University graduate.

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

I stand by Enquirer reporting in Henry story

I assure Enquirer readers that our reporters on the Chris Henry drug test story this week were careful and deliberate in our reporting. We threw nets wide and far for all possible sources connected to the story. We worked hard to get sources on the record. We asked for documents at every turn.

In fact, I got a tip on the story last Friday night and discussed it with my editor. We were uncomfortable going with it until we had final reports back, and if the final reports were negative, which they proved to be, we would not have written a word about it.

Only after the Kenton County Attorney went public Monday morning to other media with a "positive" test result did we spring into action.

Yes, I made an error in my reporting, and a correction ran this morning in the Enquirer Section.

Robert Lotz, Henry's attorney, pointed it out to me Wednesday: Henry is on probation in Kenton County for allowing minors to drink in his hotel room, not for providing alcohol to minors. There is a legal difference. I apologized to Mr. Lotz for the error and worked with our technical support people on our Web site to correct the reference in every story possible. Then the correction was published this morning.

That error is my only regret in our coverage, and it was mine. We had no agenda in our reporting other than to find out the truth. I have some extremely talented and dedicated colleagues in our Northern Kentucky bureau and in our Sports department. It goes without saying, but I will say it anyway: I am proud to be part of that team.

In this day of 30-second news cycles, I re-learned some basic lessons: The least and most I owe sources and readers is accuracy and fairness. At the other end of every story is another human being.


at 5/24/2007 12:59 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, if he would have just stayed out of trouble in the first place then this all would be mute. Nice recant by the way.

at 5/24/2007 1:11 PM Blogger Brad said...

Has Marvin lost his mind? He went on the Dan Patrick show and said that the Bengals players are being profiled by the police. Can he get more out of touch?

at 5/24/2007 2:15 PM Blogger Unknown said...

I disagree with Brad on this one. I think that Marvin is completely reasonable in thinking that. I wonder how many police officers, in the Cincinnati area, have bragged that they pulled over a Bengal. It seems like it is a point of pride among police officers. They are seeing their names in the paper and they feel like that justifies their proffesion. They may see it as keeping bad people off the streets, but anyone that has driven down Vine st at midnight and seen what people do there has to see a problem in this. I am not targetting Vine st, I am just using it as an example.

at 5/24/2007 2:44 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're a stand up guy in my book. Good explanation and recanting. I respect you for admitting the mistakes made.

Cole Train

at 5/24/2007 4:07 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's keep something in mind. C Henry drives a SUV w/ license plate
SLIM15. How hard is it for a cop to know who is driving. How hard is it for a cop to know he has a suspended license. I know a guy who was pulled over in Symmes Twp because while sitting at a light a cop ran his plates. Came back that the owner, his wife had not renewed her drivers license, her husband was pulled over to see who was driving. Profiling? He is a caucasion.
What is being described as profiling might be what used to be called good police work.

at 5/24/2007 4:26 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Profiling can be associated just as easily with class. Not just race.

at 5/24/2007 5:03 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark, your work is pathetic. You can dance all you want, but you clearly spun the story in the most negative light. Paragraph 27 or so said that his agent said the test was negative. Up until there you simply said all about how he failed the test. Pitiful.

at 5/24/2007 5:55 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys have too much time on your hands with this one. He didnt say anything about "racial" profiling. Are the players as professional athletes profiled, I would say so, all famous people are. Dont turn it into Marvin say's they are being racial. Get a grip

at 5/25/2007 12:52 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Racism in Cincinatti ? No way, you got to be kidding me. Of course it is, if your black you know what I'm talking about. Just as I wouldn't let Stevie Wonder give me directions to Sesame Street I wouldn't let any of you blind cincinatti folks tell me any different. I love the Bengals hate the city. Wouldn't mind seeing the franchise move to Columbus, its a better fit for everyone. Cincinatti could just fall off the state as far as I care.

at 5/25/2007 8:09 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Learn how to spell Cincinnati!!!

at 5/25/2007 8:14 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark, as much as you care to spin it, your uptight Miami U / pleated khaki bias came shining through on this one. Some old attitudes are just hard to shake aren't they, bud?

Get real and spare us the bs.

at 5/25/2007 8:20 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not a Bengals fan. However I "was" a Marvin Lewis fan. He said what he said and he meant what he meant. I no longer respect him. I thought he was above the race card. I am sorley disappointed.

at 5/25/2007 9:10 AM Blogger Scott Evans said...


Only problem is most of the Bengal's arrests have taken place outside of Cincinnati and even Greater Cincinnati.

Henry was arrested in Orlando, AJ Nicholson's original arrest was in Florida, Rucker's arrest I beieve was in LA, O'neill's arrest was in Houston, and the remaining arrests were either in northern ky or clermont county.

at 5/25/2007 9:27 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

People who believe that the use of the word profiling insinuates race, seem to me to have some race issues themselves, or are exposing their ignorance for not having an understanding of the term. Look inside yourself before judging others. Not everything is about race. The only reason the word as used was because that is the term Patrick used in his line of questioning.

at 5/25/2007 9:35 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark, surely the words I was wrong isn't difficult to utter. Your just as bad as the Prosecutor.

at 5/25/2007 11:21 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's what gets me ...

The Kenton County Attorney shares with another news outlet a "rumor" that Henry had tested positive -- which he had. The reports later that day clarified that hte positive results were preliminary, and that more tests were coming. Again, that parts accurate. Within a day or two, Henry's own agent confirms that the preliminary tests were positive, and that more test results were expected. And then, when those test results everyone was waiting on come back negative, the media dumps it on the prosecutor for spreading a rumor? Sounds to me like the media is just trying to cover their own tails for running with a story that was based on rumors about preliminary tests.

Now, the prosecutor's comments about Henry are another matter -- on the one hand, it's refreshing to see a public official who has to deal with criminals (like Henry) every day call it like it is. Henry has acted like a criminal lowlife, and if he wore a uniform shirt to work that had his name on the front, instead of the back, not many of us would care about him.

On the other hand, that prosecutor has caused himself some embarrasment and probably made some enemies. All in all, he probalby could have picked his words more wisely.

at 5/25/2007 12:29 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark, well done. You are a stand up guy. If only Gary Edmondson were, as well. What a weasel, pointing the finger at everyone else for his own blunder! Amazing!

at 5/25/2007 12:32 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a self serving load of bollacks that last post is.

at 5/25/2007 5:05 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marvin has taken a big step back in my book. Prior to blaming the police he put the blame where it belonged, against the individuals. Marvin's motto was "do your job," apparently it is now "stop the police from doing their job." His apology is only in the local press. It will not be sincere until he takes it to the national press so all can read.

at 5/26/2007 10:28 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marvin's apology was on ESPN, so it is national.

-Yim in PA

at 5/27/2007 12:10 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love to see a single one of you step on Curnutte's side of the terminal one time ... You'd all tuck tail and run the first second a story like this broke. I'd wager to guess that none of you have ever looked a coach, player or prosecuter in the eye and asked a tough question. And you want to jump the man for speaking his mind? The same right that all of you are exercising right now? Give me a break. Newspapers print corrections for a reason — because sometimes mistakes are made.

Get off his back.

at 5/29/2007 10:17 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marvin was correct the first time -there is profiling. Not because the individual is black but because he is a Bengal. No need to apologize, Marvin. You are still the finest, classiest man ever to lead the Bengals. As for Chris Henry, he is a lowlife. County Attorney Edmonson need not apologize for stating the truth. I love to see Chris Henry on the field, making sensational catches. But he is an immature,pathetic
creature who still hangs out with scum from bad neighborhoods. Until he grows up and learns to behave, we shouldn't be protecting him, He is a lowlife.

at 5/29/2007 5:44 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the enquirer is always quick to pull the trigger on anything they feel is related to the Bengals. Just look at the headline about the Dinkel chic that had sex with the teenager, "EX-BENGALS WIFE". Talk about linking some BS to the Bengals! You are all wannabe journalists with no ethics!

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