
Mark Curnutte offers the latest on the Cincinnati Bengals

Mark Curnutte started covering the Bengals and the NFL for The Enquirer in 2000. He previously wrote about urban affairs and other social issues for the Enquirer. He won the prestigious 1994 Unity Award from Lincoln University (Missouri) for "A Polite Silence," a seven-day series about race relations in Greater Cincinnati. He also has worked as an assistant features editor and features writer at The News & Observer in Raleigh, N.C. Curnutte is second vice president and a three-year board member of the Professional Football Writers of America (PFWA). He is a 1984 Miami University graduate.

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Sunday, October 15, 2006

Bengals get 3 more from Graham

TAMPA, Fla. -- The Bengals moved to a 13-7 lead with 10:34 left in the fourth quarter on a 47-yard field goal from Shayne Graham. The kick was set up on a 51-yard reception by Bengals wide receiver Chad Johnson that moved the ball to the Tampa Bay 29-yard line.

Graham is 2 for 2 and made the kick against a strong wind.

Wide receiver Kelley Washington has left the game with a hamstring injury and will not return.


at 10/15/2006 4:44 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

While the Bengals lost the game, the officials cost the game. The roughing the passer penalty on Justin was phantom and atrocious. Then the final TB play, there was no evidence either way to overturn that play. If Marvin doesn't get the defense tough and aggressive, they won't even finish .500 with the schedule that looms.

at 10/15/2006 4:44 PM Blogger Brad said...

The roughing the passer call on Justin Smith is the worst I have ever seen.

And you can't try a 62 yard field goal into the wind. You have to try to throw a 8-10 yard out route with 6 seconds left.

at 10/15/2006 4:53 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are so many problems with this team. The offensive line, is injury riddled and a sieve. Shame on them for allowing Carson, after what happened in January, to get sacked so many times and shame on them for getting Carson sacked at the end there. If that doesn't happen, Grahama could be in makeable FG position. The defense is so soft. They couldn't tackle an 80-year-old with a walker. Sam Adams is 100% a bust, offically now. The defenisve play calling was atrocious. Ever hear of a blitz, Chuck? Might want to look into it. There wasn't one defenisve play scheme that was aggressive. .500 at this point looks rough.

at 10/15/2006 4:56 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know there will be plenty of Bandwagon jumpers after two losses in a row, but there is definite reason for concern. 10 penalties, coming off a bye week. No discipline, whatsoever. The lack of aggression on both lines is terrible. Finally, the injuries. How long is Levi out? Brian Simmons out. The injuries have just been decimating.

at 10/15/2006 5:16 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice call...a 62 yarder, the Buccaneers thank you.
No evidence to overturn the play? Are you kidding me? There was more evidence on that play than there has been evidence of all the crimes that the Bengals have committed this off-season.

at 10/15/2006 5:29 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

bengals will go 6-10.the most over rated team this year

at 10/15/2006 5:34 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets face it. Carson is a bust. A good quarterback compensates for injuries.

at 10/15/2006 5:35 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't even know what to say. If we can't beat a lousy tampa team with a rookie QB, how are we supposed to beat anyone good? We suck right now.

at 10/15/2006 5:53 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that the TD overturn call could have gone either way but the fact is that without the "roughing the passer" call, it never would have occure in the first place. The referee over-turned several calls throughout the game but chose to remain silent on the most obvious mis-call. I agree with the fact that the players should not have put themselves in a position to loose the game to a bad call but the line has to be drawn somewhere. Geathers poping the QB with his hands...borderline but the correct call. Miller falling on the QB...correctly over turned. But sacking a QB within the pocket with the ball firmly within his grasp? Come on!!! THIS IS FOOTBALL...THIS IS THE NFL!!! If the hit on Trent Green From Geathers wasn't roughing after league review, then how could this have even remotely been rouging? As a fan of the NFL and the Bengals, all we ask for is consistency. Is that too much to ask for?

at 10/15/2006 6:12 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

1)We got the ball up 13-7 with about 6 minutes left and ran 3 plays that can only be described as "taking a knee". We have 2 of the best receivers in the game, why not throw on first down to one of them.
2) Why didn't marvin lewis take his timeouts with the bucs inside the ten and the clock running. Even if they didn't score, the bengals could have easily ran the clock out (bucs had no timeouts). If we had 1 minute left after the buc score, we would have won the game.

at 10/15/2006 6:45 PM Blogger JF said...

Gotta say you guys are 100% correct today in your post-mortem game analysis...while the officials STUNK and ripped off our dear old bungling "back to the Mike Brown meddling era" lookalike team, the COACHING today absolutely STUNK.

Safety valve passes to a WR 15 yards behind the line of scrimmage? Slow to develop slants? A bunch of telegraphed runs with crappy blocking relieved only by a lame end-around that fooled no one? A timid, pessimistic almost non-existent downfield attack with some of the best Wideouts in the NFL today? A potential All-Pro Tight End who gets his quota of one catch per every three games.

What gives?

Who the hell called the offensive and defensive game today for Cincinnati???? Gruden?

If Steinbrenner owned the Bengals, he would be firing Coach Lewis and his entire staff right now. You know, it's one thing to play well and lose. It's quite another to look like crap for two quarters, and then come out and look even worse for the final two quarters--and to also look as if you did not want to win. That's intolerable. Even for a single game!

There's absolutely no excuse for Four Quarters of playing scared and sloppy like we saw today. I think Lewis should fine himself a week's paycheck for today's fiasco in Tampa Bay!

Aside from Chad's Mohawk, it is the Head Coach's fault when the team plays like a bunch of blondes. How can a team go from 3-0 to looking as if they were playing a pre-season scrimmage wearing high-heels?

I am afraid to look at next week's opponent. They might have neatly mown grass in the end zone that we don't want to mess up with our cleat marks. Jeesh!

How can you coach a Bengals offense with this much fire-power and call the plays we all saw today on both sides of the ball and not be deeply embarrassed? What gives, Mr. Lewis? How did today happen and what do you intend to do about it?

I know you didn't earn all those penalities but come on, a 62 yard field goal try instead of a pass into the endzone where a catch or pass-interference call is about a billion times more likely than Scotty beaming one through the uprights! That was just plain stupid (along with the entire offensive game plan and execution)!

at 10/15/2006 6:46 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is this explosive offense that was supposed to rival any in the league? 13 points against a poor bucs team is not going to cut it when we have the likes of Carolina, Baltimore (2x), San Diego, New Orleans, Denver, Indianapolis.... It is very likely that besides the Cleveland game, Bengals will not be favored in any other game to win. Folks this could lead to a long season...

at 10/15/2006 6:52 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somebody help me out here, but wasn't referee Mike Carey, the same ref that overturned Chad's touchdown in the first Pittsburgh game last year. Not that we should blame the officials, but there were some strange calls out there today.

at 10/15/2006 6:58 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Bengals offense has became to predictable. Maybe it is an effort to protect Palmer. It just seems like there are to many running plays on first & second down that go nowhere and then a pass on third down. It just seems like the Bengals are afraid to open it up.

at 10/15/2006 7:18 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marvin screwed up big by not calling timeouts when Tampa had the ball late. If they score, we have time to get a FG...if they don't we kill 70 seconds instead of 30.

I am not confident in Marvin's strategic abilities late in the game. This was Football 101, and he simply didn't realize it. Marvin's been given pass after pass when making errors like this - my hope is that he gets a little of the heat that he deserves.

NFL officiating is horrendous every week. Between phantom holding calls, joke pass interference and convenient roughing the passer calls, the whole thing lacks legitimacy. It's a shame, but it's wholly part of the game.

Bengals will be fine - one good performance and we'll be back on track.

at 10/15/2006 7:18 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marvin screwed up big by not calling timeouts when Tampa had the ball late. If they score, we have time to get a FG...if they don't we kill 70 seconds instead of 30.

I am not confident in Marvin's strategic abilities late in the game. This was Football 101, and he simply didn't realize it. Marvin's been given pass after pass when making errors like this - my hope is that he gets a little of the heat that he deserves.

NFL officiating is horrendous every week. Between phantom holding calls, joke pass interference and convenient roughing the passer calls, the whole thing lacks legitimacy. It's a shame, but it's wholly part of the game.

Bengals will be fine - one good performance and we'll be back on track.

at 10/15/2006 7:20 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was reading about the concerns regarding the turn out at the symphony. take the end zone out of the building and maybe chad will show up.

at 10/15/2006 9:09 PM Blogger FRANK BEAVER said...

The Bengals need a Head oach to stick up for his team. Watch Bill Parcells, Bill Cowher,and any top head coach, and they would have made a big deal when the refs made a call like that. Even call a time-out and talk to the refs!!
Screw the NFL, and say that the officials stink! NFL needs to Fire poor refs!! I could call games
better than these idiots!!

at 10/15/2006 10:29 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Strikes to me as odd....
The fact that in the preseason and through the first part of the regular season the press has little to say about the Bengals. Did no one see the talent that we did?
In a season where the point was made that the depth of the teams roster made everyone fight for their positions, there are too many players not even showing up in the ring.
Marvin seems to have no concern over the performance of some of his players. Mind you this is the man that coined the phrase on the team "Do your job!" Every season ticket holder should be screaming this to the organization. Do they think wins come cause you have the stripes on your back?
Head Shaking

at 10/15/2006 10:58 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, this has been a rough day. Lots of emotions on here and mostly intelligent decisions. If I was Marvin, I would lambast the officials. I mean really earn that fine he'll get. Call them out. Then call out the defensive line (like Sam Adams) and then, most importantly, get Rich Braham some Vicotin, like some illegal heavyd duty stuff from Mexico or something. A deep knee bruise? Get out there dude. I don't know what's killing this team more, injures, arrests or officiating?
To the guy who posted that Carson is a bust. I suggest you not utter that anywhere else, for feel that your idiocy will be revealed. The man is not mobile and has been sacked so much this season that I'm sure he's gun shy. Shame on Willie, Levi, Steinbach, Bobbie and the rest. You have let Carson down, you have let the city down and you have let us fans down.

at 10/15/2006 11:31 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

This isn't Carson's fault, it's his offensive line. He never has a good pocket to pass from; it seems like it's always collapsing. When he has time, he makes the throws. Another part of the problem is in the play calling. It seems like the coaches are slow to recognize the problem with the line, and aren't putting the players in the best position to make plays.

at 10/16/2006 10:59 AM Blogger JF said...

Sorry but Carson had plenty of time to find: (1) the ground; (2) Tampa DBs who luckily can't catch; and (3) Bengals receivers behind the line of scrimmage.

The play calling STUNK. We have a POOR defensive line and an offensive line that had some bad plays but this loss was ALL on Lewis and his assistant coaches who called a disgraceful game from start to that joke of a finish!

With better play calling, and QB Palmer making a better effort to get rid of the ball about 1.1 seconds quicker (like before a sack ruins your 2-minute drill) our OL is play-off quality. Not so our DL, and yesterday not so Marvin Lewis!

But that ref who called Smith for roughing out to be FIRED by the NFL!

at 10/16/2006 11:00 AM Blogger JF said...

change that "out" to "ought" (as in: that ref who called roughing on Smith OUGHT to be fired by the NFL)

at 10/16/2006 2:27 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was at the game yesturday, I hate to say it but we are bad.
I have been a Bengals fan all thru the 90's and will never change, but one think really piss me off yesturday , I was at the stadium waitting for the players to come in with a group of bengals fans and no ONE of the players, look or wave our way. I will like to remind them that we are the ones spending big money to see them.

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