
Mark Curnutte offers the latest on the Cincinnati Bengals

Mark Curnutte started covering the Bengals and the NFL for The Enquirer in 2000. He previously wrote about urban affairs and other social issues for the Enquirer. He won the prestigious 1994 Unity Award from Lincoln University (Missouri) for "A Polite Silence," a seven-day series about race relations in Greater Cincinnati. He also has worked as an assistant features editor and features writer at The News & Observer in Raleigh, N.C. Curnutte is second vice president and a three-year board member of the Professional Football Writers of America (PFWA). He is a 1984 Miami University graduate.

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Sunday, December 30, 2007


MIAMI -- The Bengals won consecutive games for the first time this season.
Head coach Marvin Lewis wanted to talk more about the game than any changes that might unfold on the coaching staff or roster in the offseason.

"Let's talk about the game today," Lewis said. "We're going make sure that everything, from what I do, is -- there's no changes you're going to know, so you can relax."

Pressed later in his news conference, Lewis offered a little more: "It's been five years. There are things around here that are a little stale. We got to take all those binders from the last five years and get rid of them. Get the offices clean, the boards; clean up, as though there are new people coming in. Whoever's there, we're new people coming in, and understand that. The players have to understand that."

Binders? Does that mean the playbook?

"It's got nothing to do with the playbook," Lewis said. "I'm talking about just in general. You know you go to your garage, and you look at your garage and say, `I got to get rid of this junk.' That's what I'm saying. We just need to freshen up a bit. When our players come back, there will be a fresh outlook, and not that cloud that we've left to hang over our heads."

Players and assistant coaches said after the game that they know changes are coming, but, they added, they don't know what they are.

"A lot of things need to change," quarterback Carson Palmer said. "We have to find a way to run the ball better ... (there is a) lack of execution, lack of discipline. We didn't do our jobs correctly enough. We're a very, very average football team, at best. We've been very average for a number of years."


at 12/30/2007 5:51 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are the changes - the Bengals sign Sam Adams DT free agent and use their first pick on OT Sam Baker USC. The 2nd pick will be Ray Rice RB Rutgers and rounds 3-8 will be big time reaches like always (ex: Frostee, Caleb, etc.) NOTE: Rice will break leg in 1st game.

at 12/30/2007 6:19 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the word-for-word quotations of Marvin's statements. Who cares how poor the coach communicates but when you put his embarrassing grammar together with his arrogance and record you wonder who on earth really sees this guy as a leader. In the late 60's and 70's Paul Brown would give IQ tests to college players he was interested in drafting. Perhaps one is still around to give Marvin.

I'm certain he's a decent guy with plenty of community compassion but as an NFL coach he is a coordinator not a leader.

Didn't you get the sense today that with The Big Tuna in Miami things will indeed be turned around while the Bengals will be discussing what to do with Frostee.


at 12/30/2007 6:24 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just for fun I'll throw a few out there, gone for defense will be Chuck, Dexter, Deltha, Madieu (maybe), Justin Smith (hopefully). For offense I believe Willie, Chatman, Rudi, Henry (maybe), Perry (hopefully).

I believe these guys will be replaced through free agency and the draft.

at 12/30/2007 6:45 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill Parcells rejects thugs and hoodlums. Marvin Lewis signs on Quincy Wilson who was one of the 11 arrests of Bengals in the last year. Parcells promises the pursuit of excellence; Marvin told Dave Lapham to expect more of the same, i.e., competitiveness. Same lousy defense, under achieving offense, poor coaching and poor drafting. Marvin just laughs.

at 12/30/2007 7:31 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it very interesting that Marvin Lewis made significantly different statements in an interview published Saturday in the Columbus Dispatch.

A couple interesting comments he made:

"We've got to start from scratch. We have to blow it up and empty everything. Just like new people walking in this door and go from there. That's the only way we're going to shake away from the cobwebs. We've established a certain plateau or work ethic and we've got to move beyond that."

and, about Chris Henry:

"He has been fine off the field, but I'm not sure he's done enough on the field as a football player. In his attention to detail in meetings, in his attention to detail on the field, he's not where he needs to be."

These are very strong statements. I wonder why he says things like this to the Columbus Dispatch but not his hometown paper?

at 12/30/2007 7:32 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blow things up means just that - blow things up. Marvin said it and that's just what he meant.

And you can't blow things up without starting with the front office. Marvin wants an Ozzie Newsome type GM to go to and not have to deal with Lippincott, Tobin, Seaman, Katie, Troy and Mikey. Talk about a confederacy of dunces.

Marvin is laying the groundwork for a showdown. He wants a GM and Mikey wants new coaches.

Look for Marvin to give Mikey an ultimatum -blow things up including the front office - which Mikey may refuse. Marvin then says he wants out of his contract to pursue other head coaching jobs - including the probable opening in Baltimore.

at 12/30/2007 7:40 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are 7 teams at 7-9, so the Bengals will be picking between 9 and 15. Mark, do you have any insights to how the tiebreakers fall and where the Bengals might be drafting this year?

at 12/30/2007 8:07 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 7:40 - The first tie-breaker for the draft is strength-of-schedule. Which simply means the combined record of your opponents. The Bengals played a very easy schedule this year, so they'll probably be one of the first 7-9 teams to pick.

at 12/30/2007 8:20 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Start with getting rid of Mike Brown's nepotism machine and hiring someone who knows more about football to run this clown show!

at 12/30/2007 8:55 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

the bengals were percentage points away from New Orleans in Strenght of schedule after 15 games amongsdt the teams finishing 7-9Cant imagine the 1-15 dolphins didnt push the Bengals SOS to the weakest. That should be the 9th pick overall by my amatuer calculations. Laurinitus will probably be gone, but Vernon Gholston OSU DE and Sedrick Ellis USC DT are names that keep coming up in those slots. Add a free agent stud, a second round solid player and the defense gets better in a hurry.
Mark- is Odell in shape? Are the rumors of a february return legit?

at 12/30/2007 10:06 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like Mike Brown said in the paper today..."There won't be that many changes." Don't get your hopes up, this franchise is, and always will be a dysfunctional joke. The only hope left when the DUMB Citizens of Cincinnati voted to fund a new stadium for Brown. If they would have let him move the team to Cleveland, Cincinnati would have been rewarded with either the re-born Cleveland Franchise or Houston Franchise with owners that care. It doesn't take 18 seasons to build a winner under the right ownership/managment. Ask Mr. Irsay or Mr. Kraft.
* My hope is Marvin Lewis gets so frustrated that he resigns and then "tells all" about the Brown Family. (Never going to happen, but it would be nice).

at 12/31/2007 1:46 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear the argument concerning a general manager. Truth is, there's a bunch of teams who have general managers that didn't make the playoffs this year or any other year. This Bengal team breaks down fundamentally all too often. Bad clock and game management, lack of discipline etc. have cost the Bengals games this year. That's a coaching problem, not a front office problem. The sooner we realize it and put the heat where it belongs the quicker Lewis turns this thing around

at 12/31/2007 1:51 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here a to do list for Marvin and Mikey boy before I step foot in that stadium put another dime in your pocket.

1) Every coach on the defensive side of the ball - gone.

2) Sign a FA stud nose tackle.

3) Sign a FA stud linebacker.

4) Sign a FA veteran OG who can run block.

4) Release Dexter, Deltha, Justin.

5) Ask Rudi, Willie to renegotiate their contracts, otherwise release.

6) Draft defense defense defense, plus a pounder RB in the late rounds. Maybe just maybe for once in my lifetime we can have an above average D.

Hire a GM/VP of football operations without the last name brown. Spend up the limit of the salary cap for once! and prove you actually want a winner.

Here's to the steeler or jags knocking off the boston boys.

at 12/31/2007 6:12 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem with the last two wins is that it will give people hope for next year, including the coaches.

This team is bad. The coaches can't coach, and the players can't play.

This team needs to be blown up. I just don't think it will happen.

at 12/31/2007 10:27 AM Blogger Steven Ross said...

Halftime's post shadows my thoughts. Marvin knows the status quo can not work. Dealing with the nepotisim which is replete in Mike Brown's kingdom has been a huge factor in dooming this organization. I would not be surprised one bit if Marvin stepped down.

He needs an intermediary to oversee the business side of the team. The coach needs to do what he's not been doing: coach! I hope to gawd they blow the "D"-line UP!

at 12/31/2007 11:37 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

NR Greg,
The Bengals are actually 1.6 million OVER the salary cap this year. Since moving to PBS, they've done a pretty good job being around the cap. It's not that Mikey-boy doesn't spend the money anymore. It's just that the players are underachieving.

at 12/31/2007 11:54 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 10:06 wrote "Cincinnati would have been rewarded with either the re-born Cleveland Franchise or Houston Franchise"

Cincinnati would have never been awarded another NFL franchise if the Bengals left in 96

at 12/31/2007 3:55 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree; if the community would not
have been willing to fund a new stadium, no owner would be willing to come to Cincinnati. The population in Cincinnat has been falling for years, there is too small a fan base here to think a new owner (who like Brown would be in it for the money) would be willing to take the risk to start a new franchise in a dilapidated stadium. The TV contract here is miserable, and the additional revenue streams are minimal. Fans in Cincinnati are too CHEAP to think they'd get another franchise.
Any NFL growth will be in the south.

at 12/31/2007 7:08 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those of you saying Cincinnati would not have gotten another franchise, please visit the Forbes website. The Cincinnati Bengals are the 20th most profitable NFL franchise. More than large market teams such as the Chargers, and champions, the colts. Plenty of owners would come here. *Doesn't matter anyway, just keep spending your money on a the losingest Sports Franchise, because the Brown/Blackburn family will outlive us all.

at 1/01/2008 5:12 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 7:08, the Bengals are the 20th most profitable NFL franchise AFTER getting the new stadium. If they didn't have the new stadium, there is no way they'd have gotten another franchise if the Bengals would have left. Use a little common sense.

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