
Mark Curnutte offers the latest on the Cincinnati Bengals

Mark Curnutte started covering the Bengals and the NFL for The Enquirer in 2000. He previously wrote about urban affairs and other social issues for the Enquirer. He won the prestigious 1994 Unity Award from Lincoln University (Missouri) for "A Polite Silence," a seven-day series about race relations in Greater Cincinnati. He also has worked as an assistant features editor and features writer at The News & Observer in Raleigh, N.C. Curnutte is second vice president and a three-year board member of the Professional Football Writers of America (PFWA). He is a 1984 Miami University graduate.

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Monday, November 26, 2007

Bengals fans going to Pittsburgh

So much has been made of Steelers fans who travel to away games from Pittsburgh.

The Enquirer wants to hear from Bengals fans planning to make the trip to Pittsburgh for the game Sunday night at Heinz Field or from fans who've made that trip before.

Please contact Enquirer reporter Shannon Russell at srussell@cincinnati.com with your stories. Thanks.


at 11/26/2007 7:28 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you kidding...bungle fans travel?

One win and you guys think your world champions again without ever winning anything...ha what a hoot.

at 11/26/2007 10:50 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark, You may remember me from my days working for WCPO as a production worker. I emailed an incredible story to the address you provided. Please make sure that it is read...trust me...it's a very hard story to top! Pics to prove the madness!

at 11/27/2007 9:34 AM Blogger Who dey head hunter said...

Why is it that the local media, even national media always say the Steelers "travel well?" As if all those folks in the stands waving terrible towels got into their Buicks, loaded down with Keilbasa, Iron City Beer, and Primanti's sammies, and headed down I-71. The truth is, I would say the vast majority of the Steelers fans in a visiting stadium are Steeler nationals, stuck in some other city. The Jets game was a prime example. The CBS folks talked about all the fans that made the trip tp the Meadowlands. The truth is, most of these folks probably lived in NY,NJ, CT area and were taking advantage of being able to get tickets that are impossible in PGH. This is what I did before the Who Dey heads started filling PBS again. When the BenGALS REALLY sucked (as opposed to now when they sort of suck), I would get to see one Steeler game a year... here. My job takes me to offices all over the city and I have noticed that in almost every company or office, there is at least 1 die hard Steeler fan for every 20-30 employees. Multiply that by the rest of the city and there is the "travel well" part of it. I see this all over the country. In Indy, Detroit, anywhere in Florida (FLA seems like for every 10 NFL fans one is a Steeler fan). The only two cities I have seen that this is not the case is Green Bay and CLeveland. Plus, I've never been to Seattle so I can't comment on that city. You know what I am talking about. You see these Steeler fans all over the city, with a bumper sticker, window static, or even the guy I saw the other day driving his truck with two enormous Steeler flags flying high in the bed. Sorry to say, you see no GAL flags flying in the burgh.
To those who will travle to the burgh this weekend... some advice:
Have fun, don't talk smack, especially if the GALs win. Steeler fans are awesome in pgh. Make sure you walk the parking lots south of Heinz Field and be prepared for the ribbing you'll take. Most Steeler fans really dont care about the GALs, just don't take them seriously so you shouldn't expect anything more than friendly ribbing. Plus, Steeler fans have respect for anyone in opposing colors that has the nuevos to walk the parking lot. If the GALs do win (slim to no chance of that), keep your mouth shut as Steeler fans will be very grouchy after the last two week's performances and a loss to Mike Brown's CLowns will not sit well and you will get hurt. I have seen my fair share of mouthy Browns fans who got the beat down, even peed on once from the upper stands. Two years ago a few Who Dey heads I know that went to the famous "TJ wiping his shoes with the Terrible Towel" game (still amazes me how silly the GALs are, just straight up clowns) ended up dodging bottles in the parking lot after starting a three person who dey chant after that game.
So have fun, be smart, and enjoy an NFL game in a real NFL city, with real fans.

at 11/27/2007 10:13 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Considering that the Bengals have won 3 of the last 4 in Pitts, I'm not sure where the slim to none chance of victory is justified, especially against a team who lost to the Jets. I do give the Stealers credit for one thing: How could any other team possibly have had a playing field in worse shape than Ketchup and Mustard Field? It looked worse than Mike Brown's sandbox from the early years of PBS.

at 11/27/2007 11:01 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't jump on the bandwagon too soon all you Bengal fans. Last year all they needed to do was win one game out of three and couldn't do it. They are not consistent, except in the loss column. Until they prove to me that they can win two or more in a row and win convincingly, I'm staying home.

at 11/27/2007 1:01 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who dey head hunter, you're a buffoon. Try not to break your arm patting yourself on the back so hard - with all your 'helpful knowledge'. As if any of us in the 'Nati actually care what you have to say. Pretty pathetic and egotistical, scouring other teams blog sites to 'inform us'. That how you get your jollies? You're probably not even from P-burgh, just jumping on a popular team's bandwagon. Let me guess, you were a Cowboys fan back in the 90's? Get a life.

at 11/27/2007 1:30 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

who dey head hunter...
Pitt fans arent respectful, they are downright mean and cold! I had a few of them sit in front of me at the bengals/pitt playoff game and they cheered when Carson was carted off. I have no respect for Pitt or their fans.

at 11/27/2007 1:58 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do Steeler fans have the desire to read a Bengals blog? Must be unemployed.

As a Bengal fan I wouldn't log onto a Steelers blog if it was the last bit of reading material left on earth. Unless of course it was Ben Worthlessburger's motorcycle blog page.

at 11/27/2007 2:16 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the reason there are so many Pittsburgh fans in other cities is becuase the city of Pittsburgh is a hell hole. The arm pitt of Penn. They move to real cities like Indy, Detroit, anywhere in Florida, and Cincinnati becuase those cities are just so much nicer than Pittsburgh. Then show up at the stadiums their tax dollars paid for and act like they hate the city they currently live in for a few hours. Seems silly to me. I think the example of Pittsburgh fans pissing on a visiting team's fans just about sums up everyone's thoughts on the people of Pittsburgh. CLASSY!

at 11/27/2007 3:45 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

WhoDeyHeadHunter said "...If the GALs do win (slim to no chance of that)..."

Check the recent results dude. The Bengals and Steelers have pretty much owned each others home fields lately. The Steelers have beaten Cinci at Cinci 8 in a row, and Cinci has beaten the Steelers at Pittsburgh 3 of the last 4.

at 11/27/2007 4:52 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Steeler fan. Why don't you get down on your knees and blow me. You all smell like a disgusting mix of urine, alcohol, b.o., and unemployment, so I'm sure Heinz Field smells like one big giant homeless person's card board box. So no, I won't be traveling to Pittsburgh, even though I have a job and can easily afford it.

at 11/27/2007 5:22 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only reason why Steelers fans "travel well" or have an excellent "national" fan base, is because in general people are wimps. This is why you see Yankees fans all over the country, Notre Dame fans, Patriots fans, etc. People support the teams who've won. People dont want to cheer a team they think is gonna lose. It is sad because we should have PBS full of Bengals fans on gameday, not bandwagoning chumps who think they're cool.

at 11/28/2007 12:31 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an Irish Catholic I can tell you Notre Dame's national fan base has nothing to do with the team's record. There are nine sacrements in the Church: Baptism, confession, communion, confirmation, marriage, holy orders, annointing of the sick, guilt, and Notre Dame football. There are Catholics all over the US, hence there are Notre Dame fans all over. Dissing Notre Dame, even when they're bad, is like denying transubstantiation. You could be excommunicated.


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