Mark Curnutte started covering the Bengals and the NFL for The Enquirer in 2000. He previously wrote about urban affairs and other social issues for the Enquirer. He won the prestigious 1994 Unity Award from Lincoln University (Missouri) for "A Polite Silence," a seven-day series about race relations in Greater Cincinnati. He also has worked as an assistant features editor and features writer at The News & Observer in Raleigh, N.C. Curnutte is second vice president and a three-year board member of the Professional Football Writers of America (PFWA). He is a 1984 Miami University graduate.

This is one of the saddest days in a long history of sad days. I am embarassed.
The TRUE Bengals Defense has returned... that and Palmer's accuracy has been much better before this year. Note to Marvin: Start drafting a bit more on Defense next time, quit drafting running backs!
The Bengals (a la Chad Johnson) are too wrapped up in how good they think they are; how they are going to celebrate a touchdown. Currently, they are lucky to be a 1-1 team. Very over rated.
Chuck and Darren should be fired and made to find their own way home
Can we officially start calling for the firing of Marvin Lewis yet? Monday was luck, plain and simple. 51 points to the Cleveland Browns? Poor planning, no discipline, a complete failure of play calling (QB sneak for example). Those of you who think that Marvin deserves to keep his job beyond 10 AM tomorrow are deluding yourselves and will continue to keep this team at the middle of the NFL pack.
Did Ahmad Brooks even play today?
This will be the last game they are favored until week 6....if then. What a TOTAL EMBARRASSMENT!!! They have allowed 71 pts in 2 games to the 2 worst offenses in the NFL. Makes last years D look like the 85 Bears. I can hear the Steelers licking their chops!
Almost as alarming as the defense to me is the poor time/game management this team produces game after game. Wasting time outs with frivolous challenges by the head coach. Not taking the 10-15 yard gain over the middle and then spiking the ball to stop the clock during 2 minute drills. In other words, moving the ball far enough and quickly enough down the field to force the defense out of the prevent defense.
I love it....after living in Cincinnati for three years and putting up with the "high and might" attitude of the Bengals...I view this win as a bit of justice. Chad should concentrate more on catching fourth quarter passes than his touchdown celebrations.
nice to know this is a "Bengals Fans" only blog....
What an embarrassment. Marvin and Chuckie B are defensive geniuses? The couldn't stop and arena team, which was the equivalent of what they played today. What a bust the last two #1's have been. Joseph's a paper KiJana and that sieve Leon Hall didn't know what zip code to cover, much less what man. This team has serious troubles!
Is it just me or does it seem that the Bengals have gotten progressively worse over the past 2 years? Is it too early to say that Marvin is a good turnaround coach but can't take the team to the next level.
Chuck is the worst defensive coordinator EVER.
How timely was that article comparing the 07 Bengals to the 1988 D that also had a goal line stand? What a JOKE. This defense QUIT plain and simple. I'm embarrased to be a Cincy fan!
Levi Jones and the Bengal fans are getting robbed by Marvin holding a grudge against him.
As a previous post said, time outs and challenges are GOLDEN. Coach Lewis has to learn clock management. He is clueless.
Also, why the 'squib' kicks? That displays fear of the return man and as we saw Cleveland returns the ball to midfield. FIRE the entire coaching staff starting with Marvin. Justin Smith is way overated as well.
How can Chuck Bresnahan NOT be fired? He should be working at Dave Shula's steakhouse, not coaching in the NFL.
I'm embarrassed to be a Bengals fan. AGAIN.
I'll agree that the Bengals played badly today and that it's the coaches are responsible, but to anyone seriously thinking they should fire Marvin Lewis now really doesn't know much about football. This isn't baseball, where firing a manager can boost a team. Firing a head coach mid-season means you're pretty much giving up on the year. It's only game 2; lots can happen between now and the end of the season. This team still has a chance to go to the playoffs, assuming they can rebound from this embarrassment. But if they don't make the playoffs this year...I agree, Marvin should be gone
Whaddya say, Marvin?
PATHETIC is losing to a team without a leader while climing to be one of five teams with a shot at the Super Bowl. Offensive coordinators will be inviting their fasmilies to the days they play this patrhetic group of prideless quitters.
I bet the Raiders regret firing the hapless Chucky B...another cast off that surpised us as a flop...how pitiful!!! A city without a competitor...no pitching and no D - great organizations!!!
This season is OVER, there is no chance this team makes the playoffs. Their defense is HISTORICALLY BAD, not just bad.
It's funny how after 15 years of being the laughing stock of all pro sports on Planet Earth, one 11-5 year had the Bengals being so highly regarded. They have done NOTHING. They haven't won a playoff for almost two decades.
Ultimately it's all Mike Brown's fault. He's as incompetnt as that other famous Brownie who fixed New Orleans after Katrina.
If you people had a clue. Marvin can't go. He has taken the worst team in football for a decade into a playoff contender. All while losing his top draft picks to injures. Think anyone else can do better your nuts.
Now I agree there is some issues but if you get ride of Msrvin, you are welcoming in another decade of lossing.
Anyone calling for Marvin's firing either has a short memory or else they are just a "fair weather" fan. The Bengals were HORRID prior to Marvin. He's been hit hard by injuries, which he can't really control.
Oh, and by the way, I'd say using our #1 pick on defense the last two years counts as drafting defense highly.
I think the refs cost us the game.
Xavier Fan.
They should not have had to try and go 91 yards in 1:03. they stopped Cleveland on 4th and 1 and the Ref gave them a huge spot that was about a yard off. Marvin did not even attempt to challenge the spot. The bengals would have gotten the ball at midfield with 3:39 left in the game with one time out. The real problem is that the Bengals should have never been in a position of this magnitude against a horrible cleveland team.
Bring us a coach, a real coach not just some defensive coordinator. who thinks he is good enough to be a head coash. Marvin built this great defence in Baltimore that took them to the superbowl. Why is our defense so bad. Oh they can be good once in a while. but not consistently. Like the saying goes. any bad team will get better, all they have to do is play the bungals. In the last twenty years we have been in the playoffs maybe three times. Of coarse this doesn't stop Mike Brown from charging us 135 dollars a ticket does it. I'm sick of watching sports in this town.
have to agree w/ others on game management issues. f/g from 53 out w/ an injured kicker vs. Baltimore, punting from opponents 32 on 4th @ 3 vs. Baltimrore (of course went into end zone), goofy QB sneak on 3rd & 1 after interception to start the 2nd half vs. Baltimore, not challenging spot vs. Baltimore (then calling timeout, what do you have to lose?). Do other teams have "bench coaches"?
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