
Mark Curnutte offers the latest on the Cincinnati Bengals

Mark Curnutte started covering the Bengals and the NFL for The Enquirer in 2000. He previously wrote about urban affairs and other social issues for the Enquirer. He won the prestigious 1994 Unity Award from Lincoln University (Missouri) for "A Polite Silence," a seven-day series about race relations in Greater Cincinnati. He also has worked as an assistant features editor and features writer at The News & Observer in Raleigh, N.C. Curnutte is second vice president and a three-year board member of the Professional Football Writers of America (PFWA). He is a 1984 Miami University graduate.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Shirley DUI case continued Thursday

Defensive tackle Jason Shirley, the Bengals' fifth-round draft pick, was not at the OTA practice today. He was in Fresno County Superior Court, where his lawyer asked for his DUI case to be dismissed on grounds the district attorney did not legally obtain Shirley’s medical records and are using them, The Fresno Bee reported.

A judge will rule Thursday on the motion. If denied, a jury trial could start immediately. Shirley faces misdemeanor charges for driving under the influence, driving with a blood-alcohol content of .08 or higher, hit-and-run driving and driving with a suspended license and expired registration for two separate incidents last fall, The Bee reported.


at 5/21/2008 9:19 PM Blogger hey hey redlegs said...

missing voluntaries....cut him!


john why does the comment posting thing keep telling me that my password is incorrect when it is correct? everytime i want to comment on something i have to go to google and re-register my email, password, and s/n. what gives?

at 5/21/2008 9:20 PM Blogger hey hey redlegs said...

i ment mark. got my blogs confused. it does it on both tho

at 5/22/2008 9:19 AM Blogger Anonymous said...

Yeah, as far as I'm Concerned he hasnt been around enough. Cut him, right!

Mike from rehab

at 5/22/2008 11:21 AM Blogger Who dey head hunter said...

Yeah, I hope he gets off so he can get here to CIncy with a clean slate.
I mean, who wants a guy that gets in trouble somewhere else? Let's get him in here, in our community so he can terrorize us with the rest of the this team of criminals. I mean, let's work as a team here right.

I guess that is what Marvin means when he wrote NOW on those stupid T-shirts (what is this, high school?).

Let's choke NOW
Let's get arrested NOW
Let's get owned by the entire AFC North NOW
We will fail as a team NOW

Actually, that is harsh, even for me. I mean, the GALs could have a respectable year for a BenGALs team (6-10) and Marvin did print up T-shirts for camp. Yeah, this is going to be a good year, I think it's the T-shirts.
What a joke this guy is. T-Shirts?!?!? If I were a GALs fan, and didn't enjoy ridiculing every move the GALs make, and the ignorance of the Who dey heads, I would be so angry. This is the solution? To print up T-shirts.

It's going to be a fun year for us haters!

at 5/22/2008 11:24 AM Blogger bunglefun said...

Mark, I usually like reading your articles but if this is all that happened in Bengaldom in the last 24 hours that is deemed important then you might want to take a vacation until something worth writing about happens. I really dont believe that you wasted your time writing about this guys court appearance info, as though anyone cares about another player getting into more legal trouble. Havent we had enough of this stupidity?

at 5/22/2008 11:45 AM Blogger bunglefun said...

Mark, hey guy I count on you to provide insight into whats really going on with the Bengals, good and bad, but I have to say that I dont think reading about a late round draft picks DUI case is worth my time. If there is no good news to report about then maybe you should consider taking a short vacation until there is something important to write about. How about letting us know what is going on with someone on the team that is doing something good or productive in the community like Chris Perrys youth day I saw on the news for 3 seconds this weekend, or how is any of the other players progressing who have been hurt. I dont want to sound sour about your post but Im tired of reading about the stupidity of a small handful of players instead of the good efforts of the rest of the team that are not getting into trouble. I think we got rid of Henry and Odell becase we were tired of the headaches, now all we have to talk about is more court issues?

at 5/22/2008 1:35 PM Blogger A Fan said...

Hey bunglefun,
Why blame the messenger? Mark is a reporter. If he did not report on the team's latest idiot in court he would not be doing his job. Look we are all tired of reading about court cases but shouldn't you point your vent to Mikey and Marvin, the two people who are the reason we have to keep reading about court cases? After all isn't this season's slogan
Got Bail NOW?

Robert Young

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