
Mark Curnutte offers the latest on the Cincinnati Bengals

Mark Curnutte started covering the Bengals and the NFL for The Enquirer in 2000. He previously wrote about urban affairs and other social issues for the Enquirer. He won the prestigious 1994 Unity Award from Lincoln University (Missouri) for "A Polite Silence," a seven-day series about race relations in Greater Cincinnati. He also has worked as an assistant features editor and features writer at The News & Observer in Raleigh, N.C. Curnutte is second vice president and a three-year board member of the Professional Football Writers of America (PFWA). He is a 1984 Miami University graduate.

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Bengals up 21-17

Kenny Watson ran eight yards for the go-ahead touchdown.

The two-point conversion failed.

Shayne Graham just kicked the kickoff out of bounds. The Seahawks are first down on their 40.


at 9/23/2007 7:02 PM Blogger BDC said...

Argh! How about killing a little clock before scoring?!?

at 9/23/2007 7:07 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shane Graham should be cut tomorrow am

at 9/23/2007 7:08 PM Blogger Glenn said...

TERRIBLE coaching. Why on earth do you go for two in that situation? There is no equation that says it's a good idea. Now, if Seattle scores a touchdown, a field goal only ties it for the Bengals. Absolutely stupid.

at 9/23/2007 7:08 PM Blogger Unknown said...

I've been rather reserved in my thoughts on Marvin Lewis.

There was no clock work at the end of the game. That drive was too quick. Why go for two? If you had gone for one, all you would have needed to do is kick a field goal at the end -- forgetting that Holt fumbled the kickoff.

I wish the media would stick it to Marvin more. Maybe Dustin needs to get in there because he seems willing to do just that. Perhaps Marvin can blow reporters off and say he's not answerable to them, but he sure as heck is answerable to the people who plop down money to pay his salary.

We're owed an explanation as to why critical facets and times of the game or poorly coached and managed.

at 9/23/2007 7:45 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no faith in Marvin to move this team forward. he is completely outcoached in games, looking almost lost at end of games.
In Marvin i have lost trust.

at 9/24/2007 11:02 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Going for the 2 point conversion was one of the dumber things I have seen a coach do. If they take the extra point they're up by 5, Seahawks score and all we need is a field goal to win. I simply don't get it. if he is making blatently obvious coaching mistakes like this no telling how many more go on behind the scenes. I was a huge Marvin fan but he has lost my confidence and his credibility completly.

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