
Mark Curnutte offers the latest on the Cincinnati Bengals

Mark Curnutte started covering the Bengals and the NFL for The Enquirer in 2000. He previously wrote about urban affairs and other social issues for the Enquirer. He won the prestigious 1994 Unity Award from Lincoln University (Missouri) for "A Polite Silence," a seven-day series about race relations in Greater Cincinnati. He also has worked as an assistant features editor and features writer at The News & Observer in Raleigh, N.C. Curnutte is second vice president and a three-year board member of the Professional Football Writers of America (PFWA). He is a 1984 Miami University graduate.

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Lyric of the day: What it has to do with the Bengals

A reader wanted to know what John Lennon's "Give Peace A Chance" lyrics and a couple of posted comments have to do with the Bengals.

In the brave new world of newspaper blogs, which are not governed the same way that print editions are, I'll tell you (in my mind) what those lyrics have to do with the Bengals. I've probably danced around it too long, given the latitude of electronic print journalism these days and what's expected of us:

The person who covers the Bengals for the Cincinnati Enquirer is a U.S. citizen, votes in every election, pays every dollar he owes in taxes, volunteers, contributes to charities, has read the text of the State of the Union address (it almost made me throw up) and has two teen-aged sons that I don't want getting hurt for an unjust cause. Afghanistan is one thing. Iraq another. Furthermore, I think the guy in the White House is not qualified for the job, has surrounded himself with mean-spirited and power-hungry people, will be remembered as one of the most failed presidents in U.S. history and was re-elected by misleading and falsely scaring the American people.

I love my country deeply and know what great things it is capable of; our history is filled with noble international deeds. I'm grateful for the opportunities U.S. citizenship has provided me and I am mindful of my responsibility to give back. I am thankful for the sacrifices of the armed services, present and past, including my father, who saw combat as a U.S. Marine in the Pacific in World War II.

But these days, we're making enemies faster than we can kill them. There is too much evidence that we don't take adequate care of too many of our troops when they come home. Go overseas and talk to people from just about every other part of the world, including those from ally nations. The consensus is this administration likes being a bully and is on the attack to mask incompetence in an variety of foreign and domestic issues. I wish I were as nationalistic as I once was, but I'm not.

We don't live in a vacuum internationally, and I don't live or work in a football vacuum: hut, hut, hike.

You're entitled to your opinion. Bring it on. I welcome it. But I'm entitled to mine.


at 1/24/2007 2:49 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off, let me say that I agree with a decent amount of what you said.
I highly doubt anyone who reads this blog didn't know you felt that way already, and I am unsure why you felt the need to do that.
You can't fault people for expecting you to talk about the Bengals, even if they expect it 100% of the time. Reason? because this is the Cincinnati.com Bengals blog, not the Cincinnati.com Mark Curnutte's Bengals/song lyrics/explosive political rants blog.
Don't dismiss people as small-minded or one-tracked for coming here and expecting to read solely Bengals postings, that is what this space is designed to have. So if people wonder why they come to the Bengals blog and instead read you on your political soapbox, it seems justified to me.
Isn't it true that when you have a blog that you are submitting yourself to the public for criticism? If your fuse has grown so short with people for expecting Bengals discussion when they don't get it (which happens quite frequently), then why don't you let someone else do this?

at 1/24/2007 3:17 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said!

at 1/24/2007 3:36 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, I come here for Bengals topics ONLY. There are plenty of other arenas to read and discuss political issues. There are even plenty of Enquirer political forums, please stick to the Bengals.

at 1/24/2007 3:47 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, we get it. You're left wing. You're a liberal. You hate Bush. You have all the answers. Got it. Thanks. Can we go back to the Bengals now?

at 1/24/2007 4:11 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...


Welcome to Cincinnati!

Home of the FoxNews fan club, the neocon hall of fame, and of course...WLW radio!

Talk about whatever you want...if people don't want to read it...they can turn the page, or click the screen...oh, I forgot...we live in Cincinnati...it is our job to tell everyone else what is right or wrong.

Love your blog...love my country...hate the position we find ourselves in right now...

Keep the faith!

at 1/24/2007 4:21 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm conflicted. Mark, you have every right to your beliefs and to express them in this forum. You usually do so with some measure of eloquence. I even agree with you about the speech last night and the Bush presidency, and I even voted for the guy once! I dont hate him, just realize now that he was not up to the task.

But--since I began to read your blog over the past month or so, I find occasionally that you tell me more than I really want to know about you, and less than I would like to know about the Bengals. I am not offended by that--just disappointed as a reader. The vignette about your daughter earlier this week was touching. I too was a recently divorced father many years ago who separated from his wife, but not his son. Toughest thing I ever had to do in my life was tell my at-the-time 11 yr old son that I was moving out of the house, and I wasnt even going far. I never, ever lost contact with him (or his mother really) and 15 yrs later we are all very happy in our separate lives but still very much a family. I think often that the divorce made me an even better father. Valued a lot more the time that I spent with my son. He agrees by the way.

Guess I am trying to say that I'd like to read here more about the Bengals and the NFL (lot goes on seemingly daily) and less about you. If you need a friend, buy a dog. If you want readers, be a pro and give them what they need and want.

Fasten the chip strap, my friend, and get back in the game.

Your friend,
Mike in Montgomery

at 1/24/2007 4:22 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...


at 1/24/2007 4:59 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, a liberal journalist, what a surprise. Iraq is not a war, it is a battle in the war on terror. We are not losing the battle in Iraq, we are losing the battle at home. You are part of the problem.

at 1/24/2007 5:21 PM Blogger PASStheTEA_B said...

This consideration for others and accountability you demand of our government is disgusting!

All we want is for someone to go down to Paul Brown Stadium and critique the free media food.

at 1/24/2007 5:25 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blah, blah, blah. These liberal rants are so tiring. It's funny how you all seemingly have all the answers and solutions, but never seem to state them in your complaining.

at 1/24/2007 6:08 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...


One of the main reasons I read the Reds, Bearcats, and Bengals blogs is to get away from the 'serious' talk of the war and presidential approval ratings. The last thing i want to read about on a sports blog is the writers opinion of the current president and wars. I understand this is your blog, but please take your audience into consideration.

at 1/24/2007 6:10 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...


It seems to me that 90% percent of what is posted on this blog is Bengal related. The only time people complain about the other 10% is when they don't agree with it.

Common Sense: If you don't like it, don't come back.

at 1/24/2007 6:36 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't one of the first rules of journalism/communication to know your audience? Your audience isn't here for your liberal political views. Your audience is here for Bengals coverage.

at 1/24/2007 7:09 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not surprising that a State of the Union address almost made a liberal journalist throw-up. If it makes you feel any better, your diatribe had the same effect on me.

at 1/24/2007 7:46 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just not sure why you are even a Bengals journalist. It doesn't seem like you have any passion for the sport and would probably be better served writing on politics or Haiti or whatever it is you want to write about.

Look at the great sports writers, John Clayton, Buster Olney, etc. they live and breathe the sports they cover - it's not a job to them, it's fun. At times, this blog is painfully awkward to read and way too intimate.

What's sad is that this posting has generated more comments than
I've ever seen on here. You fail to generate any meaningful discussion on the Bengals.

at 1/24/2007 8:10 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

He started with:

"A reader wanted to know what John Lennon's "Give Peace A Chance" lyrics and a couple of posted comments have to do with the Bengals."

Basically that is saying 'don't read any more if you don't want to hear my rant about peace'...

Leave the man alone. He wanted to write, let him write. You read what he had to say, drop it. He is allowed to have his opinion. Just like you are.

at 1/24/2007 8:39 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

you sure do wear your liberal journalist feathers proud, mark. i see the position of an editor in your future.

at 1/24/2007 9:20 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bush is an assclown. He doen't need to be thrown under the bus-he lives in the wheel well. Screw him. He'll be judged for his stupidity....I just hope he doesn't plea innocence. He makes
Carla Faye Tucker look like a bible thumper.

at 1/24/2007 10:55 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? Why should anyone have to worry about if they should read any further or not on a freakin' BENGALS blog. Just as Tom said in the very first comment. From what he said, he seems to be a liberal himself, but this is certainly not the place for this. Pretty pathetic Mark. It seems condescending and unprofessional to use this blog as your platform.

at 1/24/2007 11:38 PM Blogger JerBear said...


I disagree with a lot of what you said there...but...

It's his blog folks! I don't get some of you. Some of you posters on here sound like jerks.

Note to Bengals fans...the season is over. There's not much to talk about, unless you want to talk about Jonathan Joseph getting arrested for 3 more hours on Andy Furman or Lance Maccallister's radio show.

I agree the posting should mainly be about the Bengals on here, but blogs are more personal in nature.

So if Mark feels like writing about his daughter or politics every once in awhile then I say that's up to him!

I'm sure people would stop reading if their were frequent posts about politics and leaning to the left, but in the end...it's Mark Crunette's blog. 90% of the postings are on the Bengals.

Lighten up folks!

at 1/25/2007 7:52 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

That tirade was about as cool as that blazer you are wearing in your picture.

at 1/25/2007 9:00 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark, so your answer to what John Lennon's song has to do with the Bengals is...nothing.

OK fine, let's talk about the war. A lot of people seem to think WMD is something Bush just made up. Well, if it was just the US who's intelligence agencies thought Iraq had WMD, then I might agree with you. But Britain's intelligence said Iraq had WMD. Australia's intelligence agencies said Iraq had WMD. And I remember an interview I saw with General Tommy Franks who said he was told by a 'middle eastern' King (thought to be the King of Jordan, that Hussein did in fact have WMD and would use them against American troops. So there was certainly enough evidence out there to believe beyond a doubt that Iraq had WMD.
Now has the opposition been stronger and lasted longer than expected ? Of course. Things obviously have not gone as well as hoped or expected. But even Bush said from the start that this will be a long fight against terror and not to expect a quick resolution to this conflict.
We in America want things to be over quickly and painlessly. If things are tougher than expected, we like to call it a mistake and pulling out will fix it. It is becoming increasingly difficult for us to go through tough times and still stick to our guns. Only time will tell if this action in Iraq will succeed. Certainly years, and probably decades before we know if the middle east will become more stable. But it certainly wasn't stable before the US went into Iraq.

Chuck in Florence

at 1/25/2007 9:58 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its a blog, hence Mark should and can rant about anything he feels. If you don't like it, don't read his blog. Personally, I enjoy reading musings about other things than the Bengals. I have been a very big critic of Mark's Bengals coverage for being too much of a hack/homer, so other topics can sometimes be refreshing. I will give you credit Mark, your end of season article on the Bengals showed promise with objectivity, although I'm sure Mike Brown fired off a nasty e-mail threatening your job if you don't tell us how great of a player Justin Smith, Sam Adams, and Deltha O'neal are.

at 1/25/2007 10:12 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mark - this blog is titled "BENGALS" - not "Mark Curnutte." Therefore, please get off your high-horse and do not use this BENGALS blog as a soapbox for your liberal political views.

at 1/25/2007 10:37 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, you're hilarious. What does "Give Peace a Chance" have to do with the Bengals, you ask? And then you answer, essentially, "I write for the Bengals and I want to end a war." Yeah, that's a real linkage there.

You may as well have said "Give Peace a Chance" is related to the Bengals in that the Bengals took a "chance" and went for it on 4th down one time.

This site is supposed to be about the Bengals. You can't get a blog about the Bengals from a beat writer anywhere else. However, if you want liberal political blogs, you can go to, say, Daily Kos. If you want conservative politics, National Review. There are probably thousands of political blogs out there. But ONE Bengals blog run by a beat writer. We can't go anywhere else. Or we would. Unlike the Reds blog run by Lancaster or Rosencrans, they actually post stuff there. You, on the other hand, generally only re-post your articles, saving all your free time to write about politics. And I don't care if I agree or disagree with what you say, it just isn't relevant.

You are a disgrace to journalism. You keep saying you want to write about social issues...so go do it! Then it's relevant to write this stuff. Otherwise, can you please write about the Bengals?

at 1/25/2007 10:42 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just don't understand how people can keep defending him and saying "if you don't like it, don't read it". This is a public blog owned by a newspaper that people pay to receive, this is not Mark's myspace page or something like that. He is paid to update us on the Bengals, so why should we have to worry about whether we should keep reading or not? I agree with Mark somewhat politically, but I just plain don't want to see that on the Bengals blog, and I don't feel I'm in the majority here. There's a time and place for politics, but not in our favorite sports teams in which we all love so dearly, one of the main reasons being that it is an escape from the daily grind and all the politics and complaining in the world.

at 1/25/2007 10:46 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder how many of the people that say they like your non football postings would say that if you instead espoused conservative viewpoints.

at 1/25/2007 11:09 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well....since I am very, very far from being conservative, it would quite possibly annoy me even more than I am now. It is not wrong or one-dimensional to come to this blog and expect Bengals discussion. We should not even be presented with the dilemna to have have to turn away and go somewhere else if the posting has nothing to do with the Bengals.

at 1/25/2007 1:51 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cincinnati is hilarious.

at 1/25/2007 1:54 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...


Might I suggest a second blog for matters of a more personal nature?

Blogger allows one account to have multiple blogs, easily.

This way, you could link to the posts about your personal affairs while still keeping on topic with the title of this blog.

at 1/25/2007 3:31 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

can some of you supposed "conservatives" explain how being against the Iraq-war makes you a liberal? and please don't recite the latest FoxNews spin points, I have a TV myself. Try to think on your own for a change. To give peace a chance is decidedly mainstream these days. The majority of Americans no longer approve of Bush or the war. I guess they all turned liberal because the Bengals-blog told them to...

at 1/25/2007 5:01 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you start reading something and you don't like it - then here's a plan - stop reading it! There are over 30 responses to this blog - while the blogs about the Bengals pale in comparison - the number of responses would indicate people are interested - like it or not-
Great stuff Mark!!

at 1/26/2007 9:13 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mark,

It's a shame the NY Times has had layoffs. You would be great for their editorial staff. Stay with sports, you have limited knowledge of world events. Mean spirited? Not so. Maybe it is bad decisions, poor intel. War is fluid and mistakes will be made. Do you really believe George W. wants soldiers killed so he can have a legacy. I would say I would ignore your further articles, but I am a Bengals fan and love the information you provide. However, I am quite upset with your comments and would love to see you gone from this paper and this area. Not because of your view, but because I believe you crossed the line from sports reporter to editorial writer. I am conservative, so I guess this post is viewed by you as mean spirited since I disagree with you. Sorry to disappoint you, but this is not the case. Take care, keep your focus on sports and I hope you find your dream of working with Olberman, another former sports writer turned national liberal ranter.

at 1/26/2007 3:41 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the comments left on this blog is representative of the Bengals fanbase, then I'm sorry to say that the Bengals fanbase is the dumbest fanbase in sports.

There's this thing called "freedom of speech". Mark chose to excercise it on this PUBLIC blog. Don't agree with what he's saying, fine. But let him speak it. Labeling him 'liberal' and calling him names only makes you look even dumber.

Those of you who wish only to read Bengals news can read Mark's columns in the actual paper. Personally, I'm coming back to the blog again now that I know I can have find some social commentary, not just Bengal news.

Oh yeah, and Who Dey. There, now it's a Bengals post and not a political one. Happy?

at 1/26/2007 4:08 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

God, do we even teach Government in schools any more?

Freedom of speech has nothing to do with it. Mark is free to say anything he wants (as long as it does not incite a riot), but his employer could quite legally tell him that if he does not limit his blog remarks (which is in his official capacity as an Enquirer employee) to football, then he's fired. He's free to write what he wants---he won't go to jail---but he has no right to violate his employer's code of conduct. Since I'm sure you'll think this is wrong, I refer you to a very recent appeals court ruling stating that teachers in public schools cannot just teach and say whatever they want (and, it had to do with a teacher wanting to make anti-Iraq-war comments in class).

Sure, we can ignore his social commentary. But who wants to spend the time leafing through the blog looking for Bengals news? I'd be happy if
the Bengals blog had two top level links, one to Bengals only posts, and one to other stuff.

at 1/26/2007 4:53 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Mark Curnutte offers the latest on the Cincinnati Bengals" is the tagline on his blog. I care as much about his view on politics as I do the Dixie Chicks or Bruce Willis. He crossed the line.

at 1/27/2007 12:41 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I've danced around this too long", says Mark. Wow, I mean, I suspect all readers of this blog are shocked, just shocked, to learn that Mark is politically left of center.

at 1/28/2007 8:08 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gary WCH

To all, many Bengals fans don't care where Mark stands politically. We all love football, that is why we come to pages such as the Bengals blog. Politics belong in another forum. That is the point.

at 1/30/2007 10:57 AM Blogger Greg C. said...

Seriously, this is a BENGALS blog run by the Cincinnati Enquirer. If this was markcurnutte.blogspot.com, no one would have a problem with him posting whatever he wants. However, I come here to read about the Bengals. To the person who made the comment about the Reds and Bearcat blogs, great point. Those blogs get a TON more traffic (as evidenced by the number of comments), because they offer something of value. This blog really doesn't provide anything we don't get in the paper already. Maybe we can get the DDN to give Chick Ludwig a blog.

at 1/30/2007 10:58 AM Blogger Greg C. said...

And the fact that comments are only visible after Mark approves them is pretty lame.

at 1/30/2007 3:21 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

How sad that many of the comments made in disagreement of Mark are by this person(s) named "Anonymous".

at 1/30/2007 8:45 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone has an opinion these days, right, wrong or indifferent. I could spend the next 20 minutes typing out how I think everyone is wrong or that I disagree with Mark on his opinions. I could also point out how most of them really don't associate with the bengals in any possible way (That could be because the Bengals are at home right now, and Mark chooses not to spend time at the Hamilton County Courthouse to do his reporting). However I choose to endorse what Mark has done. This blog is for the Bengals beat writer, which is Mark, and I doubt that he is given much direction or restriction to how he posts on this blog. My guess is the Enquirer concerns itself with the articles that Mark submits, which I find interesting. This blog is strictly a bonus. I respect his opinion, and find myself better off for knowing it. Knowledge is power and I appreciate it. At any point, I can choose to go to a different website or stop reading. Mark, please continue to post information about the Bengals when it is relevant and post whatever else you like as well. I am capable of sifting through whatever and choosing what I want to read.

at 1/31/2007 9:34 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those that would have the opinion that Mr. Mark needs to consider his audience...Hey that's me! Bite me I enjoyed it. So please from now on don't presume to speak for me.

at 1/31/2007 11:19 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course you enjoyed it Pat T Hat....you are Mark's rubber stamp and applaud everything he does. You are his personal cheerleader. Go Mark! You can do it! Stand by your man.

at 1/31/2007 3:20 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Mark's wild-eyed rant does at least have one thing related to football and that's him being a quarterback (armchair variety). Mark, when history proves you wrong, will you be man enough to admit it publicly?

at 2/24/2007 11:04 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow I always wanted to be a rubber stamping cheerleader...How cool is that!
tap t tah...how original and clever Bre'r Fox. Glad to see your paying attention!

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