
Mark Curnutte offers the latest on the Cincinnati Bengals

Mark Curnutte started covering the Bengals and the NFL for The Enquirer in 2000. He previously wrote about urban affairs and other social issues for the Enquirer. He won the prestigious 1994 Unity Award from Lincoln University (Missouri) for "A Polite Silence," a seven-day series about race relations in Greater Cincinnati. He also has worked as an assistant features editor and features writer at The News & Observer in Raleigh, N.C. Curnutte is second vice president and a three-year board member of the Professional Football Writers of America (PFWA). He is a 1984 Miami University graduate.

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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Insider's view: Palmer better person than QB

The last couple of days, the newspaper beat reporters around Carson Palmer every day have tried to give the guy a little air.

Other than a quick question, "Any changes in your condition?"

And the answer, "Still on schedule."

We've tried not to badger him with the repititious questions.

Still, television cameras get in his face, and there might be an odd-ball question or two that really are not about football; he likes those, by the way.

Palmer effortlessly interacts with everyone in the locker room. He sat in his locker applying a tan balm on both knees when offensive lineman Willie Anderson walked by.

"Oh, Carson, using the cream," Anderson said in reference to steroids allegedly used by baseball slugger Barry Bonds.

"No, it's the clear," Palmer said with the timing of a stand-up comedian.

Oh, in terms of the news, Palmer did say he was still preparing to start Monday night against the Packers.

The Bengals did practice this morning. Palmer participated and calmly discussed a miscommunication on a pass play with wide receiver Chad Johnson.

They will be on the field again this afternoon, the last two-a-day of camp.

These are the dog days of training camp, albeit camp at the year-round facility at Paul Brown Stadium. The schedule is irregular. Many of the players who have offseason homes have not sent for their families yet because of the odd hours they are forced to keep with two-a-day practices and meetings with coaches.

Cornerback Rashad Bauman, who had surgery Monday on his torn patella tendon, was in the training room this morning. It's a busy place more than three weeks into camp.

But, thinking about Palmer, it reminds me of a story Bruce Springsteen fans like to tell and hear.

Springsteen is as good a guy as people want to believe he is. The same is true for Palmer.


at 8/22/2006 11:09 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

What you say about Palmer is true. Yes, he's a great player with a tremendous`work ethic, but he's also a really good human being with values. After the Pittsburgh playoff game and the Joe Kay interview with Lonnie Paulos, I wanted to dis Kay only because Paulos opened his mouth so damn wide that it sounded as though an H-bomb went off in Palmer's knee, something I could not accept about a player of such talent and promise at the start of what I believe can and will be a Hall of Fame career. You set me straight about your professional colleague, and for that I have already and once again thank you.

Chip Lapp

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