
Mark Curnutte offers the latest on the Cincinnati Bengals

Mark Curnutte started covering the Bengals and the NFL for The Enquirer in 2000. He previously wrote about urban affairs and other social issues for the Enquirer. He won the prestigious 1994 Unity Award from Lincoln University (Missouri) for "A Polite Silence," a seven-day series about race relations in Greater Cincinnati. He also has worked as an assistant features editor and features writer at The News & Observer in Raleigh, N.C. Curnutte is second vice president and a three-year board member of the Professional Football Writers of America (PFWA). He is a 1984 Miami University graduate.

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

How much longer can Bengals keep Henry?

Strike 4.

An arrest warrant was issued today in Kenton County for Bengals wide receiver Chris Henry, who turned himself in at 3:50 p.m. today on charges he provided alcohol to three women under the age of 21.

The warrant is related an incident alleged to have taken place April 30 at the Courtyard by Marriott in Covington.

Henry was wanted for three counts of unlawful transaction with a minor.

The Bengals issued their standard comment today about Henry's latest alleged legal transgression.

"We don't comment on something when it's just in the stages of charges," Bengals public relations director Jack Brennan said.

The arrest warrant in Kenton County is the fourth for Henry since December, when he was arrested by Covington Police and charged with marijuana possession.

In January, while in Orlando, Fla., Henry was arrested by Orange County police and charged with three gun-related offenses, two of which were dropped. He still faces an August court date in Orlando for illegal possession of a concealed weapon.

Then, on June 3, an Ohio High Patrol officer stopped Henry for speeding on Interstate 275 in Union Township, Clermont County. The trooper smelled alcohol about Henry and his automobile, and after Henry was said to have failed field sobriety tests, he was arrested and taken to the Milford Police Department. There he voluntarily submitted to a breath test and measured a .092; .08 is the legal limit in Ohio.

Henry’s lawyer entered a plea of not guilty in Clermont Municipal Court in Batavia. A pre-trial hearing has been scheduled for June 20.

Coach Marvin Lewis addressed Henry's continued legal problems following the receiver's third arrest last week.

"That bothers me when someone doesn't quite understand social laws, no question that bothers me," Lewis said.

Some fans simply want Henry released from the team and consider him a negative distraction. The league’s collective bargaining agreement with the NFL Players Association and the legal system govern both players right now. The team’s hands are somewhat tied, but it's clear Lewis' patience is being tested.

"I don't need to comment on that. That's bigger than me," Lewis said in reference to the collective bargaining agreement. "But at some point, you have to make a decision whether this guy is good enough for our football team, and decisions can be made that way, as well. Because if you can't function, then obviously you may not be good enough because I can't count on you."

Henry is a solid football player, with upside on the field. Off the field, he is proving to be an embarrassment, and no player is that good to be left alone to drag down an entire organization.

Henry established himself as a solid No. 3 NFL wide receiver as a rookie, with six touchdown catches. It's not like the team doesn't have other qualified receivers: Lewis glowed about former UC receiver Antonio Chatman, who caught 49 passes at Green Bay last season. Tab Perry is worth of more offensive opportunities. Players say seventh-round pick Bennie Brazell is flashing his Olympic hurdler speed in spring practices, getting behind the secondary and catching the ball. He is likely to unseat somebody and make the team.

-- Mark Curnutte


at 6/14/2006 6:45 PM Blogger Rob said...


at 6/14/2006 6:55 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they don't cut Henry immediately now, the organization will look very, very bad.

Second chances are one thing. But he's way passed that. This is ridiculous.

at 6/15/2006 12:11 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, Mark, I actually do think you are making apologies. As long as he catches balls for "our" side, what harm is he doing? If he were catching balls for Baltimore, wouldn't you want him suspended?

As long as he didn't give give your teen daughter alcohol? Or point his loaded handgun at you? Or as long as you weren't one of the fellow drivers on I-275 when he was (allegedly) driving drunk or under the influence of pot (as he admitted)?

If they guy has a problem, the best thing you can do for him and the team is help him. The kid needs serious help. And he needs to get off our roadways.

at 6/15/2006 8:32 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

There really is no such thing as strike four.

Bottom line, Henry is a low life. Carrying and smoking weed, drinking and driving, getting prostitutes and getting alcohol for them.

Marvin can not cut him right now, everyone has their day in court. But with all these charges, he will be found guilty enough for Marvin to move on without him.

Marc, you failed to mention the amazing Reggie McNeal. He isn't refined, but he will bring the potiential for some nice gadget plays.

at 6/15/2006 11:00 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only big thing I think he ever did was have a gun. All of the other charges I think someone has done at least once in their lives. We have all bought beer for people that are just under 21. They were not minors. Driving with a .09 is not major. I am sure those charges will get dropped. And at least half this country has smoked pot.

at 6/15/2006 11:01 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I told you so.

This guy is a first class imbecile. He doesn't want to get it and doesn't care about his teammates.

at 6/15/2006 8:28 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 11:00 -- Just a wild guess, but you are his agent, right?

Repeated drunk driving? Drugs in the car? Pointing loaded guns at people after we climb out of our limo? 23 year old "men" hanging out with 14 year old girls? Yeah, you are right we all do that.


at 6/18/2006 9:26 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is an idiot. How hard is it to realize how fortunate he is to be playing proffesional football. He should be training and thinking football, he is not SUPERMAN. Mike Tyson had skills and talent, but where is he now? Cut him before things get even worse.

at 6/22/2006 9:51 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's definitely a concern.

But he was also a 3rd round pick (correct me if I'm wrong). It's hard to justify letting that go without some compensation.

The coaching staff and team leaders need to work with him. He needs some tough love. If he can get through this and turn it around, great story. If not, put him on the trading block and get a 5th round pick for him.

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