
Mark Curnutte offers the latest on the Cincinnati Bengals

Mark Curnutte started covering the Bengals and the NFL for The Enquirer in 2000. He previously wrote about urban affairs and other social issues for the Enquirer. He won the prestigious 1994 Unity Award from Lincoln University (Missouri) for "A Polite Silence," a seven-day series about race relations in Greater Cincinnati. He also has worked as an assistant features editor and features writer at The News & Observer in Raleigh, N.C. Curnutte is second vice president and a three-year board member of the Professional Football Writers of America (PFWA). He is a 1984 Miami University graduate.

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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Sampling of letters on Henry's gun arrest

A couple of dozen people who e-mailed regarding the Chris Henry arrest in
Orlando, Fla., on gun charges.

Here are a few of the notes:

Letter 1: Dear Bengals, Get rid of him now. Keeping him will only show that you
condone this kind of behavior. If this was any other organization, other than
professional sports, he would be fired. There will always be another good receiver
with a better character. At least TO isn't getting in this kind of trouble, and would
you hire him? No. So why put up with this. It should be a privilege to play sports, not
an entitlement. Do teams making a Super Bowl run deal with these kinds of issues. Last
time we did ('88), it possibly cost us a the game. Make the right move.

Letter 2: Why do people who have been given opportunities to be successful in
life and in their careers throw these opportunities away doing stupid things? I don't
care if you are an athlete, a banker or a dishwasher you have a responsibility to
yourself, to your employer and your community to act in a responsible way. It just
shows that some individuals no matter how fortunate, lack the influence by a strong
family and friends to guide them. When children don't learn to respect others, take
responsibility for their actions and suffer the consequences of their actions, they
become adults who can't handle life as an adult, but revert to childish behavior with
bigger consequences. I guess Chris Henry is a man with a child's perspective of the
world and thinks life is a game and no matter what he does, someone else will bail him
out so he doesn't have to be responsible for his actions. For some of us who really had
to work for a living, we can't understand those who are given success on a silver
platter, and just throw it away.
Ed and Peg Berry

Letter 3: Chris Henry has been given a gift to play in the NFL. He has God
given talent to play at football highest level and has completly blown this chance. TheBengals knew he was a problem child before they drafted him, now he has proven the
facts. The Bengals need to release him and move on. They can look to the draft for
Mike Newkirk

Letter 4: It's time to get rid of (Henry). Hopefully our legal system will
stop coddling athletes, entertainers, politicians, etc.. and put this guy in jail.
Paul Brown would've gotten rid of him on the first charge involving him with marijuana!
Charles Jay YockeyMt. Orab, Ohio


at 2/02/2006 2:05 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Henry has had a difficult life. He has no father to speak of. I felt for him on the pot charge, but now the team has no choice other than to release him, despite his estimable talent.
Chip Lapp
Blue Ash

at 2/26/2006 9:44 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think they should keep him, everyone makes mistakes. He just a lot of things on his mind. He needs to hanging around with the people he calls his friends, whose letting him get in trouble.

at 3/10/2006 11:15 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

keep the man. dont listen to these ultra-conservative upper class people who have no idea how it is in his position. yea, hes getting paid a boatload, but do you know how much he's actually got? loans, previous debts, managers, agents, blah blah blah. you people act like every other person walking down 4th street has never had marijuana, like half the city doesnt own a gun. do us all a favor, and keep your ignorant statements to yourselves. Henry man, do your thing man, but for real, you might as well get out now that they all on you. pce

at 3/26/2006 10:12 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

keep henry like again evervbody makes mistakes but if he does this again you should cut him emititly

at 11/01/2006 9:11 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rob, Ultra-conservative? How about do the right thing. He had a gun illegally. He is in the spotlight and was doing something that is against the law with pot. I am not upper middle class, and apparently you aren't eiter. This kid is a product of pampered athlete. He has never been told no because of his ability to play a game. Not to be a good human being. One writer mentioned no dad, so what you are saying he had a weak mom. She couldn't do the job, or maybe he was raised by his grandmother. Either way he is a adult who can not make his own decisions for himself. He needs to have the game taken away to fix himself. He also needs guidiance from the NFL.
Again, don't make excuses for a grown man and say it is the conservative side breaking him down.

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